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Give yourself some credit!
A bio is an excellent addition to your posts and will boost your personal brand and build your influence online.
If you regularly have guest posters, an author bio box after the content is a great way to reward them with a place to promote their own offers and social profiles. It also makes it clear who wrote each post on your site.
In this post, you’ll learn how to add an author bio to the posts in your WordPress site using the Simple Author Box plugin.
If you’d rather watch a video than read the instructions, watch this video tutorial from our Youtube channel:
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The first step is to install and activate the Simple Author Box plugin.
What’s great about Simple Author Box is that it’s easy to configure, and the templates look nice with most themes.
To get started, search for “simple author box” via the Plugins menu to locate and install it.
Once you install the plugin, you’ll find a new Simple Author settings menu added to your admin dashboard.
In the settings menu, you can see a preview of how the box will look. It’s using fake filler content by default, including all of the available social icons. Up top are links to edit your profile, change your avatar, and edit the social icons.
Below the author box preview, you’ll find settings to control where it displays on your site and customization options for the colors, typography, and general appearance.
Here’s a close-up of the display settings:
And here’s a quick look at the color options available:
Before you adjust any settings, the author box already looks good.
Style options are nice, but the most important thing to update is the bio displayed in the box.
How to edit your bio
What I like about Simple Author Box is that it doesn’t create its own system for managing bios. Rather, it integrates with the options already built-into WordPress.
To edit the info in the author box, you can visit the Users > Your Profile menu. Scroll down a bit, and you’ll find the Biographical Info section included in all WordPress sites.
While WordPress normally requires you to use Gravatar for your profile image, the Simple Author Box plugin also adds a custom image uploader for your avatar.
You can also see above the social media icons section, where you can quickly add links to any social profiles you’d like to promote in your author box.
Once you’ve entered a custom bio, uploaded a profile image, and added links to your social profiles, your author box will be complete.
Author bio added
While some themes, like Challenger, include an author box, most themes don’t have this feature. In this case, you can easily add an author bio to your posts with a plugin like Simple Author Box.
Once you’ve got Simple Author Box installed, it takes only a few minutes to fill out your profile.
If you want to keep improving your site, follow our ultimate guide on WordPress site customization.
I hope this guide helped you get a beautiful bio displaying on your WordPress website, and thanks so much for reading.